Saturday, June 6, 2015

Weight Loss Motivation Rules

As with any plan there are always rules. Weight loss is no different; after all it is a battle, a battle of mind over body and every battle has rules. Below is what I consider to be the golden rules of weight loss.

These are, in order,

» You are responsible for yourself and actions
» There are downsides as well as ups, take the rough with the smooth
» Pick the weight loss routine suitable for you
» Take the routine seriously
» And follow through to the end

You are responsible for yourself and actions

Remember, a diet is a selfish action; it is for one person and one person only. A diet should be undertaken for your own needs and desires, not others, for this reason alone it is your very person that is responsible for its success or failure. Pressure is applied more often than not by others and surroundings, but you will have to be strong.

There will be up's and down's

So, going with the theory that most people will take some time to realize the truth of the magic rules, the first thing that you need to do then to begin your weight loss regime, is to realize that it is not going to be an easy road to walk or run down.There will be many tempting goodies like: cream cakes, full fat coffees, cream cheese bagels, the ever popular Burger chains and so on and so forth, littering your path. It is up to you to resist and not give in to these temptations.

Pick a Weight loss Routine Best For You

You have decided that you want to lose weight and you are going about trying to find a way to make this a reality. Now you need to take a few minutes away from your busy schedule to deicide exactly what measures you can implement in your lifestyle to make it easier for you to lose weight, and also decide how much time you are willing to devote to doing this. This might be more difficult for you than you think, but the thing is for it not to become daunting at this first hurdle.

If you have only a very minimal time frame on your hands to devote to your goal of losing weight, there is no need to despair.Since you have already begun the crucial process, you only need to follow through with it and implement a plan that will enable you to do so despite your busy schedule.

Take things one at a time and don't try to do everything at once. With a limited amount of time on your hands first concentrate on one aspect of your weight loss plan. If you want to implement an exercise regime, then do so. Leave the diet plans for a later date when you are better able to deal with it, or when your exercise routine has become a set part of your life. This way, you will be able to gradually incorporate your entire weight loss plan into your life, without having to leave anything out, or without having to feel beleaguered. The key factor when going through with this golden rule is that you need to find the right balance of diet and/ or exercise for you, the one plan that will fit seamlessly into your lifestyle habits without taking you too out of your way.

Take the Routine Seriously

If you went through the earlier golden rule, you know that in choosing the best weight loss plan for you, you need to choose one that fits into your lifestyle. The reason you are doing this, is to make this particular golden rule - the one about following through on your weight loss plan - a reality instead of a wish. Many people, myself included, find it easiest to start something; it is the follow through that we find difficult, and because of this, we find it easy to let go of our ideas and plans when the going gets tough.

By choosing a weight loss plan that fits naturally into your lifestyle to begin with, you are making it that much easier for you to stay the course and to follow through on your weight loss plans. If you look at it reasonably you will see that what I am saying makes sense. Think about it. If you have great ideas on how to lose weight and put them into action, you can be assured that for the first few days and weeks at least that you will go through with them. But what happens when you have to break through your routine to attend to something else? Since life can never be planned out down to a T, you can be assured of getting these interruptions, and frequently, if you lead a busy life.

Well, to begin with, you would try and keep as close to your plans as possible, but there may be one or two days when you need to abandon them altogether to accommodate outside influences. When this happens, which weight loss plan do you think you are most likely to follow through on, once you get back to your normal routine? The one which is great, but which takes you out of your normal routine and which requires you to push and prod yourself to get back into it?

Or the one which is maybe not as great as your original grand plan, but which runs more or less parallel to your normal routine, and which you can fall into more easily because it doesn't require you to go out of your way? I know which one I would chose, but this is because I know myself. I know that if I had to go out of my way over and over again, if I had to push and prod myself to get into my weight loss routine every time life threw a curveball at me that I would not follow through with it.

In fact, my life to date is littered with many of these grand weight loss plans and schemes, and for myself at least, I can attest that none of these worked the wonders that they should have. The plans were sound; it was the execution of them that left a lot to be desired! It took a little bit more of down-to-earth thinking, and my realization of the golden rules for me to lose weight successfully and keep it off.

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And follow it through the end

The thing that will help you to lose weight, and will also help you to keep the weight off, is if you follow the plan through to the very end with your decision to lose weight. In other words if you have set yourself a target weight, then stick to it. Follow through to the end, and don't give up. If you have been reading through the earlier sections, or if you have gone down this route before, then you know how much easier it is to start yourself on a weight loss regime than it is to continue on with it. And you will also probably know how much easier it is to follow through on such a course if you give yourself a little nudge, than it is to see it through to completion.

Many of us, even if we do manage to successfully drag ourselves through our weight loss routine day after day, will find that it is harder to stay on track as time goes by and your goal comes ever closer. In my case most of the time, even when I followed through to nearly the end, I found myself losing the will to continue. This was mainly due to the fact that I was not as committed in the beginning as I could have been which in turn meant that I was only staying the course because I was forcing myself to do so, and not because I really wanted to. And this meant that when the going got tough, I got going - in the opposite direction most times! Since it was difficult enough to stay the course when things were happening normally in my life, it was near on impossible to stay the course when things went even slightly out of sync.

The end result? I would always, always find some way, some little loophole to exploit which would necessitate my going off my weight loss regime. So to see you through to your weight loss target, you need to follow through, and make a conscious decision that you will see it through to the end. But you also need to have that commitment to yourself and to your goal that you will see it through to the end. And really, it is only when you want to do this, when you have the commitment to stick with it come hell or high water, that you will find that you not only lose the weight, but you find that you also keep it off.

Myths About Weight Loss

Do you extremely apprehend what it takes to lose weight? are you able to extremely believe 
what those ads tell you? square measure you confused by what all those specialists square measure 
telling you? does one apprehend that ninety fifth of individuals WHO maintain typical diets, 
gain back all the load they need lost and infrequently find yourself fatter than once 
they began? does one extremely apprehend what's truth and what's hype?

Losing weight safely, healthily and for good isn't as difficult because it may seem. Once you recognize what works and what does not and so apply this knowledge properly, you can, finally, lose that ugly fat. This article highlights fifteen of the foremost common myths related to weight loss. Understanding them, can facilitate clear up the confusion and assist you to decide however best to lose that weight forever.

Fad diets work best for permanent weight loss.

Fad diets (South Beach Diet, Atkins Diet, Glycemic Load Diet etc.) are not the best way to lose weight and keep it off. Fad diets often promise quick weight loss or tell you to cut certain foods out of your diet. You may lose weight at first on one of these diets. But diets that strictly limit calories or food choices are hard to follow. Most people quickly get tired of them and regain any lost weight.

Fad diets may be unhealthy because they may not provide all of the nutrients your body needs. Also, losing weight at a very rapid rate (more than 3 pounds a week after the first couple weeks) may increase your risk for developing gallstones (clusters of solid material in the gallbladder that can be painful). Diets that provide less than 800 calories per day also could result in heart rhythm abnormalities, which can be fatal.

Research suggests that losing ½ to 2 pounds a week by making healthy food choices, eating moderate portions, and building physical activity into your daily life is the best way to lose weight and keep it off. By adopting healthy eating and physical activity habits, you may also lower your risk for developing type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and high blood pressure.

High-protein/low-carbohydrate diets are a healthy way to lose weight.

The long-term health effects of a high-protein/low- carbohydrate diet are not yet known. Additionally, getting most of your daily calories from high- protein foods like meat, eggs, and cheese is not a balanced eating plan. You may be eating too much fat and cholesterol, which can cause heart disease. You may be eating too few fruits, vegetables, and whole grains, which may lead to constipation due to lack of dietary fiber and cause a lack of essential vitamins and minerals.Following a high-protein/low- carbohydrate diet may also make you feel nauseous, tired, and weak.

Eating fewer than 130 grams (520 calories) of carbohydrate a day can cause your body to produce high levels of uric acid, which is a risk factor for gout (a painful swelling of the joints) and kidney stones. High-protein/low- carbohydrate diets are often low in calories because food choices are 
strictly limited, so they may cause short-term weight loss. But a reduced- calorie eating plan that includes recommended amounts of carbohydrate, protein, and fat will also allow you to lose weight. By following a balanced eating plan, you will not have to stop eating whole classes of foods, such as 
whole grains, fruits, and vegetables and miss the key nutrients they contain. You may also find it easier to stick with a diet or eating plan that includes a greater variety of foods.

The "set point" theory determines what we all should weigh.

The set-point theory holds that we all have an internal weight regulator, like a thermostat, that adjusts our metabolic rate up or down whenever we gain or shed pounds in order to return our body to its predetermined weight. Undoubtedly, some controls do exist or we would all be obese, or,alternately, wasting away. Studies show that when we lose weight, our metabolism actually shifts to a normal rate for that new weight, independent of individual differences. It is important ,however, that the weight loss is gradual, 1/2 to 2lbs per week is ideal. The body does not like rapid change as it tends to have emergency responses to something that it doesn't like. For instance, by losing weight rapidly, through diet, our bodies will go into "starvation mode" where it will slow our metabolism to preserve our fat reserves and thus make it very difficult to lose weight. It will also tend to make weight gain much more likely when the diet ends because our metabolism has been slowed down so much.

People nevertheless embrace the theory to blame their bodies, rather than their own behaviour, for their weight-loss failure. It offers comfort to those who refuse to accept the fact that weight control requires a commitment to a physically active and calorie-conscious lifestyle.

The best way to lose weight is by starving yourself.

Losing weight by not eating is an absolute no, no. There are 3 main reasons for this. Very low calorie dieting or any "quick weight loss" will significantly decrease our metabolism. Eating increases metabolism due to the energy required for digestion and absorption of the food. The calories required to digest, absorb, transport and metabolise the food we eat, can cause a 10% increase in our caloric expenditure each day. Every time we eat, our body's metabolism gets a temporary boost. So one way to help increase metabolic rate is to eat smaller, more frequent meals and snacks. Skipping meals causes a decrease in our metabolic rate until we again eat something.

Significantly reducing calories lowers our metabolic rate. Our body treats any sudden reduction in food intake as an impending starvation situation and prepares itself by slowing our metabolism to conserve calories. The more drastically we cut our calories, the more our metabolic rate drops.

Losing weight through dieting alone without exercise, depletes our muscle tissue stores. Muscle requires many more calories each day to maintain itself. The faster we lose weight through dieting alone, the more muscle tissue we lose and the lower our metabolic rate becomes. Exercise prevents muscle tissue loss and adds muscle bulk and therefore raises our metabolic rate.

You can lose weight from a specific part of your body.

It is, absolutely, physically impossible to lose weight just from a specific part of your body. You cannot control where fat is removed from your body. Any machine or specific exercise which claims to specifically lose belly fat or thigh fat is lying. Certainly, a specific exercise will improve muscle tone in that group of muscles being trained, giving the illusion that fat is being lost.

Fat will only disappear from your body in a predetermined order. Unfortunately for men that tends to be the belly area and the thighs and hips for women. Tom Venuto, author of the internet's best selling book on fat loss gives us a very good analogy. "You cannot empty the shallow end of the swimming pool before you empty the deep end first."

Is Natural Weight Loss Really Possible?

Only natural weight loss can be permanent. Going on diets and taking weight loss pills to eliminate food cravings is only temporary and leads to obesity. Not only is natural weight loss safe, but you'll eliminate food cravings without taking weight loss pills. Most weight loss systems are not natural, and that's why the "failure rate" is over 98%.

There are no diets whatsoever, which lead to natural weight loss, because every single diet slows down your metabolism, which means that when you go off the diet, you will eventually gain back more weight than you lost.

How many people do you know, who actually kept it off?

So, dieting is just not an option, if you want to keep the weight off for good.

Weight Loss Pills

Most weight loss pills or diet pills are nothing more than appetite suppressants, which help to take away food cravings so that you don't eat, or don't eat as much. So in reality, what you've done by taking weight loss pills, is actually putting yourself on a very drastic starvation diet, during which your body is getting progressively more starved for nutrition, and also...

Your metabolism will slow down to a crawl, and that's your guarantee that when you go off the weight loss pills, you are going to blow up like a balloon, and eventually gain all the weight back, plus a few extra pounds as a bonus.

Food Supplements

Taking a safe and healthy food supplement that your body can absorb, can really enhance a good natural weight loss program, because the extra nutrition will help your body to become more nutritionally satisfied. This will help to eliminate food cravings without taking weight loss pills. Cutting back on food cravings by becoming more nutritionally satisfied, means that...

You won't slow down your metabolism, and you won't have the same problem with regaining the weight. The problem however...

Is that most food supplements are not absorbed very well by your body. When you take a Vitamin and Mineral supplement for example, most people are only able to absorb between 4 to 5%, so it's a total waste of money, plus... If you are not absorbing the supplement, it will definitely not help to eliminate food cravings, so you're no further ahead.

In the Slim America Weight-Loss Project, we only recommend natural food supplements which are fully absorbed by the body. As a result, these totally safe food supplements really help to enhance and speed up our natural weight-loss program, and also...

Not only are food cravings greatly reduced, but our students are reporting lots of extra energy, more stamina, and are finding it much easier to stay away from junk foods which provide very little nutrition, but really help to put on the pounds.

Exercise for Natural Weight Loss

Proper exercise is an essential ingredient in any natural weight-loss program, because there is no way that the weight loss will be permanent without exercise, and that's a fact. But here's the problem...

Over 95% of all the weight loss exercises, that people do in order to burn off fat, actually burn almost no fat whatsoever. Most of these exercises burn almost exclusively sugar, and that's why it's so hard to get rid of the fat. For most people who are overweight, especially if you're obese, doing all the normal weight loss exercises like running, swimming, playing sports, using all the fancy exercise equipment in gyms, weight lifting etc., are practically useless for getting rid of fat.

Most of these exercises are very hard to do, require a lot of work, and a lot of sweating, for very little results. For sure, if you stick to it long enough it will certainly help, however...The results are so minimal for most people that 99% of people will give up long before achieving any realistic results.

In the Slim America Weight-Loss Project, we only recommend walking for weight loss, however just normal walking is not very effective either. In the Slim America Project, we actually teach 10 secrets about walking, which not only help to turn walking into a very effective fat burner, but more importantly, also helps to rebuild your metabolism.

Walking for weight loss has to be part of any natural weight loss system because it helps to turn your body into an effective fat burning machine, which will cause you to burn more fat during the whole day.

Complete Natural Weight Loss

Only a complete and natural weight loss system which is totally safe, without the use of weight-loss pills to eliminate food cravings, and which includes a good walking program will result in permanent weight loss... And also... You don't have to become a "health nut", to succeed!

Have a Great Life

Armand Dupuis is a Personal Trainer, Lecturer, Teacher, & Permanent Weight Loss Specialist, who has been a Serious Researcher into Human Consciousness for 5 Decades.

Mr. Dupuis has presently specialized his Teachings, into a powerful permanent and “free” Weight Loss System, and Information is available on his Web Site.

Best 10 Weight Loss Myths

There area unit several common weight loss myths that individuals live by once it involves their health. it's tough every now and then to separate the load loss myths and reality from what's true. several sound true whereas others area unit simply laughable. I once scan somewhere that if you drink water at nighttime that you simply area unit reaching to gain weight or that if you scratch your head too usually you're reaching to lose your hair....

Weight Loss story # one 
The a lot of weight that I even have to lose the a lot of intense my exercise routine ought to be

Weight Loss Truth: though having Associate in Nursing intense physical exertion routine is nice, there area unit a number of stuff you ought to consider: the primary being that everybody is at a unique level once it involves their fitness and the way abundant intensity they'll truly handle. If you have got been physically inactive for variety of years, Associate in Nursing intense estimate for you would possibly be, walking [*fr1] a mile every day. once you walk that linear unit you notice that you simply area unit anxious which you're tired. However, for somebody WHO has been physically active for several years, walking [*fr1] a mile are often dodged a sweat. everybody incorporates a completely different definition of what "intense" is.

If intense for you is functioning out for Associate in Nursing hour every day, however owing to life's busy schedule you merely have time for twenty minutes every day, then those twenty minutes can go an especially ways. it would not essentially be classified as "intense", in keeping with your definition, however those very little cardio moments can have positive health fixing effects.

Fat Loss story # a pair of 
Stress and weight gain don't go hand in hand

Weight Loss Fact: this is often one in all those "laughable" myths. to find out a lot of however stress is adding lbs. to your life please transfer my free E-Book, "Psychology of cathartic Weight"

Weight Loss story # three 
I will thin whereas consumption no matter i would like

Weight Loss Truth: Sir physicist once same " What goes up should return down." There area unit natural principles that govern our lives. If you throw a bollocks up within the air, it's reaching to return down. you'll sit on your couch and picture and visualize that the ball can staying afloat within the air, however natural principles teach U.S.A. that it'll return down. Same goes once it involves our weight.

This is one in all the foremost common weight loss myths out there. it's illogical to assume that your health and weight area unit reaching to be in balance if your nutrition consists in the main of twinkies, chips, and donuts. certain you'll burn it off by physical exertion, however the general public whose diet consists of in the main food area unit in all probability not disciplined enough to stay to a physical exertion routine. I do grasp a number of those that, from the skin, appear as if they're in fine condition, as a result of they're not "fat, however WHO have high cholesterin.

Just because I feel sorry crushing the hearts of numerous twinkie lovers out there, i might say this. you'll eat food, cookies, chips, ice cream, pizza, burgers.... All of these "soul satisfying foods", however it ought to be moderately. something in excess is rarely sensible.

Fat Loss story # four 
Skipping meals could be a great way to thin

Weight Loss Fact: There area unit varied studies that show that individuals WHO skip breakfast and eat fewer times throughout the day tend to be lots heavier than WHO have a healthy biological process breakfast so eat 4-6 little meals throughout the day. the rationale to the present can be the actual fact that they get hungrier soon within the day, and might need a bent to over eat throughout alternative meals of the day.

Weight Loss story # five 
I will not thin whereas consumption at nighttime

Weight Loss Truth: you'll over like food throughout the day and not eat one factor at nighttime and you'll gain weight. As is that the indisputable fact that you'll starve yourself throughout the day and eat all night long and you continue to can gain weight. The key here is balance. If your body is telling you that it's hungry then maybe you ought to hear it. the reality is, that over consumption, whereas not physical exertion, can cause you to achieve weight; regardless of what time of the day that you simply eat. Whenever i'm hungry at nighttime, as is my habit with alternative meals throughout the day, I attempt to choose one thing that's natural in nature. one thing like fruits, vegetables, or i would even build myself a fruit smoothie. throughout those moments that i'm desire frozen dessert or one thing sweet, I enable myself to urge some, and don't feel guilty concerning it. many of us WHO area unit overweight live their life in guilt and shame. I enable myself to urge some, however, moderately.

Fat Loss story # half-dozen 
I'm not acceptable till I thin

Weight Loss Fact: The one that does not feel acceptable as a result of they're fat is as a result of they're not acceptable to themselves initial. The method that you simply assume others read you is predicated on your read of yourself. I honestly believe that one should become showing emotion work before changing into physically work. I even have more matured these self-limiting emotions before. Once i spotted that i used to be ALREADY ENOUGH within the eyes of God which I had no ought to prove myself to anyone or to receive external validation for my self-worth, that created all the distinction on behalf of me. Once you settle for yourself as WHO {you area unit|you're} at once and notice that you simply are already enough within the eyes of God, you'll not want you're not acceptable as a result of your weight.

Weight Loss story # seven 
I need to chop calories to thin quicker

Weight Loss Truth: Cutting your calories down can be an excellent factor, if you're drastically gula and stuffing your face. However, if you're consumption proportionately then cutting calories might need Associate in Nursing aversion have an effect on. If {you area unit|you're} cutting calories and are starving your body, then that may lower your metabolism, or in alternative words slow it down, which can end in you really not losing any weight in the slightest degree, notwithstanding you're "cutting calories"

Fat Loss story # eight 
Skipping Maineals can facilitate me thin

Weight Loss Fact: Skipping meals may very well cause you to achieve weight! you'll become too hungry and can eventually ought to eat. this may knock your metabolism off beam and can eventually slow it down. think about a automobile running low on gas (food), if you are doing not fill it up, it'll eventually close up. Same goes for our body, we want to stay it oxyacetylene perpetually.

Weight Loss story # nine 
I think I even have genetic weight gain, it runs in my family!

Weight Loss Truth: will somebody say EXCUSES? {i can|i will be able to|i'll} not deny that there can be tendencies for serious oldsters to lift serious kids WHO will stay serious their whole lives, however i do not believe that there's truly a "fat" cistron or desoxyribonucleic acid out there. What we tend to do inherit from our family, primarily people who directly raised U.S.A., area unit our views and beliefs. Your views concerning food, money, religion, politics, education, etc. area unit based mostly upon however you were raised. If you were raised during a home wherever the first meals burned wherever deep-fried foods, then you would possibly have a bent to continue preparation and consumption deep-fried foods throughout your life. If that's the case then you would possibly be slightly serious round the waist. the straightforward factor to try to to is in charge it on people who were answerable of your upbringing, however, you mostly have a option to amendment.

Fat Loss story # ten 
Eating healthy is just too arduous

Weight Loss Fact: consumption healthy is that the simplest factor within the world.....once you have got trained yourself to try to to it. what number times have you ever placed a goal to thin or to "eat better"? the primary few days you're doing nice, consumption every kind of foods that you commonly would not eat. Then one thing funny began to happen, you went back to your previous habits and behaviors. This went on to you in alternative areas outside of your health. It may be with creating cash, yearning for a replacement job, or in your relationships. making a replacement habit takes time as a result of our brain's don't like amendment. amendment to the brain is dangerous. Anyways, if you'd prefer to learn a lot of concerning however our brain makes an attempt to sabotage U.S.A. from making new habits then please transfer my free E-book, "Psychology of cathartic Weight"

How weight loss works

Weight is regulated by the calories we tend to consume from food and drink and therefore the calories we tend to burn (our rate (the rate our bodies tick over) + activity we tend to do).

When these 2 are in balance, our weight remains stable. {when we tend to once we tend to after we} consume a lot of calories than we burn we store them and gain weight. thus to {lose we tend tight reduce melt off slim slenderize thin slim down change state turn} we want to faucet into our fat stores by tipping the balance to consume fewer calories than we burn. little changes will very add up to form an enormous distinction. for instance one less fifty calorie plain biscuit per day may assist you lose 5lbs (2.3kg) in an exceedingly year – and one additional biscuit means that you'll gain that in an exceedingly year!

The number of calories burned daily is completely different for various folks and for the most part depends on our weight (heavier folks have the next metabolic rate), however active we tend to ar, our age, whether or not we tend to ar male or feminine, and the way abundant muscle we've. However, on average, ladies typically want around a pair of 2000 calories every day to stay their weight stable and men around 2,500 calories.

The calorie content of 1lb (0.5kg) of body fat is around three,500 calories. thus to lose around 1lb (0.5kg) in an exceedingly week, we want around a five hundred calorie deficit daily (7x500=3,500). this is often best achieved by consumption fewer calories and being a lot of active daily.

True weight amendment is of course a slow method. If you lose, or gain, weight quickly, for instance within the youth of a crash or low super molecule diet, this is often primarily because of fluid loss. thus don’t be afraid.


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